The task of removing wallpaper can be messy and tedious. However, the right tools are available to make it easier.
Be aware of these factors when purchasing tools and materials for removing wallpaper.
Flexibleness and thinness: A scraper needs a flexible blade because it is less likely that the wall will be damaged. A thinner blade will be able to get behind wallpaper more easily than a thicker one.
Best Concentrated Wallpaper Removing Solution
The Piranha Concentrate Wallpaper Remover covers an extensive area. Because it is concentrated, one 32-ounce bottle of Piranha Concentrate Wallpaper Remover will yield five gallons once it has been mixed with water. It will cover 75 square feet of wallpaper according to the company's specification sheet. This makes it an economically-priced option.
Best Putty Knife
Putty knives can be used to scrape wallpaper off walls. They slide behind wallpaper backing and are very easy to use. Anvil Flexible Potty Knife's flexible, thin blade reduces the risk of creating gouges on your wall.
You can choose from a variety of sizes. The three-inch or six-inch blades are available. Professionals often choose the latter. It's not so small that you have to use it all day, but it's not too large that it makes it feel overwhelming for beginners.
Best Putty Knife For Tight Spots
Large putty knives won't work for small areas such as under cabinets or doors. The 1.5-inch Flexible Putty Knife from Husky has a flexible edge to prevent damage to walls and a smaller edge for scraping wallpaper backing or glue from difficult areas.
Best Wallpaper Scraper
The wallpaper scraping tools have sharp blades that can be used to remove wallpaper. They also have longer handles than a standard putty knife. WP Chomp Wallpaper Scraping tool comes with a replacement blade that can easily be sharpened. The blade is set at an angle that makes scraping wallpaper easy and reduces the risk of damaging walls.
Best Wallpaper Scorer
If the wallpaper backing is not being penetrated by the solution after you have tried soaking it, then it's time to get a wallpaper scorer.
WP Chomp Wallpaper Scorer is made up of two rotating, stainless steel scoring wheels that can be pushed against walls using a pivoting arm. These holes allow wallpaper remover to reach the backing. The pivoting arm allows you to easily move the tool across the wall without worrying about keeping it at a certain angle.