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How To Prepare Your Walls for Tiling?

November 7, 2021

How To Prepare Your Walls for Tiling?

Tiles can be applied to many different materials and textures, however the preparation of walls is crucial. Before you start be sure to set the bathroom, kitchen or hallway walls. If you do not, some problems may arise. Also, make sure that the surfaces you plan to tile clear of dust, water and grease. The adhesive will be able to stick correctly and last long in the time (if you use an excellent product).

Here are a few steps to take prior to tile

  • Check for evidence of wall hangings, like nails, screws, or any other type of fitting;
  • Remove the loose plaster.
  • Remove and tear down wallpapers that are old;
  • Check for evidence of damage and cracks.
  • Fill larger cracks via layering;
  • The wall should be sanded to level it if needed;
  • Remove heavy and dirty particles;
  • Vacuum clean and wipe down the walls;
  • Prepare the surface prior to tile.

Start by planning your wall tile installation.

  • Take a precise measurement of the surface.
  • Calculate how many tiles you'll require.
  • Also add another 10% to cover the event that some break.

How do you level the wall?

The easiest method is to take an extended piece of timber that is flat and then use it to inspect your wall's surface for any bumps. Move it along and alter your viewpoint while doing it. Bump that aren't more than 4 or 5 millimeters are fine. Anything more than that will require additional attention. If the wall isn't well-leveled, the glue could be unable to hold its position. If the glue layer is thick enough, it may not be able to support any weight that tiles put on, regardless whether you apply it to cement board, concrete or plywood.

It is recommended to make use of the correct kind of tile backer board that you can choose from: cement fiber cement, cement mat gypsum, or water-resistant wallboard. The tile backers are water-resistant and therefore the best option for close-to-sink areas, showers, and wet areas. The best choice for bathrooms is marine tile backers made of plywood.

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