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In-Ground Drainage System

June 21, 2021

In-Ground Drainage System

Before deciding on which in-ground drain system you want to install, you should first determine what kind of drain and yard drainage you will need. If your water issue is confined to a relatively small area, chances are that you won't need a more complex drainage system - just one that redirects water away from your low-lying, compact area. However, if your area has been impacted by numerous flooding events, then a more extensive system is needed - one that will also deal with localized sewer backups, as well as localized flooding due to rainwater seepage. The purpose of this article is to discuss the reasons why you might choose an in-ground system, and to explain why underground drains are often preferred over other options.

One of the primary reasons to install an in-ground drainage system is because it is the most effective way to manage a compacted area. Generally, in-ground drains are composed of a series of pipe systems that are buried down into the soil. When combined, these pipe networks create a channel where water from above can percolate through the ground to a lower level. For example, under normal circumstances rainfall may cause water to percolate along both sides of your house, but if that water is channeled away from your home then you'll have a higher risk of mold and other health hazards. While a traditional gutter or Downspout may be able to handle some of the heavier debris from a heavy rainfall, they cannot handle all of it - debris such as leaves and tree limbs usually end up being washed away into the crawl space when water makes it to the surface.

Another reason that in-ground drainage systems are so valuable is because they tend to be buried much deeper than their typical counterparts. While storm water run-off can easily get into your crawlspace and cause dampness issues in your yard, heavy tree branches and even a road spill can cause your regular gutter and downspout pipes to become clogged. When you install an in-ground drainage system you're protecting your home from water problems, your yard from tree roots, and you're preventing future environmental damage from soil erosion and wet yard.

Another major benefit of installing a wet yard irrigation system is the amount of time it will save you. Typically, it takes several hours of work to clear a sidewalk or street completely of water. With a wet yard you can have water running through your grass in the morning and into your home by the afternoon! A professional company can even test the water level in your yard before the first rains to ensure that there will be no problems with excess water.

An additional benefit to installing an in-ground drainage system is that it will protect your home and property from a costly clean-up. Your lawn and shrubbery are often damaged when water tables rise above normal levels. This can result in excess soil erosion, which can damage your foundation walls. Excess water also can cause mold, mildew and other unhealthy conditions in your home. By removing excess water through a trench system you prevent this problem and preserve your valuable landscaping. In addition to the cost savings associated with a wet yard you also reduce your risk of developing health problems associated with living in a dirty environment.

Keeping your yard well-maintained is important for the protection of your home and property. A professional irrigation company can help you understand how to keep your yard in good condition. They can advise you on the best lawn care practices to help you prevent soil erosion and water problems. Contact us today and we can help you choose the right equipment and supplies to keep your yard dry from rain and snow. Our professionals have the expertise you need to ensure that your lawn and shrubbery stay healthy and beautiful.

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