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What to Do with Leftover Drywall

March 17, 2022

What to Do with Leftover Drywall

Each year, 15 million tons of drywall are made throughout the United States. Most of it is used on walls, but about 15% is wasted. What can we do with it?

Except for professional plasterers and drywallers, there is no one who enjoys dealing with the drywall. It's dense and crumbly and is very challenging to cut with precision. Don't even get started on tapering and mudding it. It's just dust and dirt.

However, 15 million pounds of drywall is made within the United States every year. A majority of it goes to walls; however, around 15% is leftover garbage. What do you do with it?

Recycle It

Drywall is made up of mineral gypsum (calcium sulfate), and water is spread over paper backing and kiln-fired to form 4 by 8 feet (or 10 or 12 feet) sheets. Calcium sulfate can be described as a natural mineral that can be beneficial in the soil of your lawn or garden. It's also recyclable, and a small portion of sheets of drywall that you purchase from the home centers is said to be made from recycled wallboard.

There aren't many curbside recycling programs that will allow the use of drywall. This means that you have to research when you're a recycling proponent. It's possible, however.

Repurpose It

It is also possible to repurpose wallpaper by peeling away the paper. Begin at one corner, then pull until it falls away quite effortlessly. After that, you can crush it to powder and apply it to your lawn or garden. Gypsum helps improve soil structure and decrease erosion.

Compost It

It is also possible to add drywall that has been crushed with the backing removed from the compost pile. Be aware, however, that the gypsum from drywall that has been decomposing is notoriously sour.

Save It

If you're a home builder, it is logical to have a few usable leftover drywall pieces to fix any issues. In the event that you do not, you'll end up purchasing a whole sheet of 4x8 for a fairly small repair. If you're creative, be aware that the backing paper on drywall can take paint very well. The drywall can serve as a canvas to create your work.

If you're not able to recycle or reuse it, you should eliminate any drywall leftover. Garbage haulers will typically take it off if it has been broken down and then re-bagged. If you're keeping it, keep it in a dry area because the drywall (expect for the mold-resistant type) is a suitable environment for mildew and mold.

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